Saturday, November 19, 2011

Week 3 Sosnoski- Reviewing my GAME plan

In order to carry out my plan regarding the authentic ecology experience, I will need to reach out to the Ithaca community to see what programs currently exist for students to study the ecology of the area. I know that several of my colleagues have conducted field work with their classes at the creek behind the school. I would like to illicit their ideas for how to engage my students in an authentic learning experience related to ecology. This additional information will allow me to better formulate an effective and authentic experience. So far, I spoke with an elementary school teacher close by who I know does many stream study experiences with her students. She informed me of some of the activities she does with her students and I began thinking of more advanced activities I could do with my own students. 

As far as the blog is concerned, I will not need many resources, as the blog already exists. It is just a matter of using it! I need to think about the requirements for these posts that I want my students to do--should it be extra credit at first and gradually lead to a graded activity? How often should I have the students blog? If these blog posts are required, what will be the consequence for not completing them? If they are not required, will I provide an incentive for completing them? These are all questions I keep going back and forth with in my head. Any suggestions from colleagues would be greatly appreciated! I have not been able to find anyone in my school who has used blogs to promote student reflection.


  1. Great ideas! It looks as if you are trying to apply what we are learning (UDL and GAME) to a lesson that takes you out of the classroom. It seems that in thinking about our GAME plan, which is the steps we take to become proficient in something, that we should be looking to add traces of universal learning. In other words these two categories of lessons in our class can be combined. As you continue in your search to add things to your lesson on ecology consider how you might set up lessons that "allow individual students greatest access to active learning" (p. 123). UDL is forming clearer meaning as we progress. To me it is the idea of finding tools that would meet kids on each of their individual levels. So, although everyone is not learning one UNIVERSAL truth, they are study on one UNIVERSAL avenue that has them each learning different things.

    Consider incorporating Google Earth into your project somehow. Is it possible to find a website that shows the progression of vegetation near a creek. How can your students share what they have learned to those outside the classroom?

    I realize a blog will be a new step for you. Is it possible to add video? Or even current photos of the kids into their blogs?

    Thanks for allowing me to read and be inspired. Keep it up. We can do it!

    Cennamo, K., Ross, J. & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. (Laureate Education, Inc., Custom ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

  2. I love getting kids outside to truly experience ecology. Do you have access to any wildlife biologists in your area? University program maybe? If so, have them come to your classroom with their technology gear (radio collars, tracking devices, etc.). Always a good time. They may also be able to provide some advice for creating a wildlife management plan for your school grounds or other local natural area if your school doesn't have one.

    If you are looking to integrate technology, EcoBeaker has several ecology based labs available as software. I use the Isle Royale lab with my GT sixth graders during our population ecology unit. There's a whole list of them. Students love it! Check them out at the link below

  3. Heather S,
    I've actually used a class blog before for my forensics class, but students did not participate. I posted pictures and videos of students doing lab activities and acting out crime scenes. Parents really loved it. I'm really trying to figure out the best way to manage having students write reflections in a blog. Any suggestions for introducing this/grading this/requirements?

    Thanks for your response,

  4. Heather P.,

    Thank you so much for the suggestions! I'll definitely check out ecobeaker and the population activity. I'm excited!

